Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Comments fixed

If you've tried to post a comment & didn't have a blogger ID, it probably didn't work. I guess I didn't have it set up properly! Feel free to leave a comment below for any prayer requests--I am praying!!

We've had a bit of illness at our house, so the things I had planned for this blog have gone by the wayside. But I'm finding that the quiet moments in the middle of the night are great for sending up prayers for my children, my family, & other needs.

The Lord has been waking me up (or keeping me awake) a lot these last few weeks, showing me things about myself that need to change, or giving me visions & ideas for other things like this prayer blog. I must say that although I am missing the sleep, these times with Him are so precious!! I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

It's amazing when we actually sit down and silence the noise around us (TV, computer, music)--He speaks. Softly, gently...He's always there, ready to share His heart with us. I'm so thankful for that.

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